What are the features of a concrete
delivery ticketing system?
A conventional concrete delivery ticketing system should be compatible with most trucking dispatch systems as well as Android and iOS smartphones. The inclusion of cloud storage lets both concrete suppliers and recipients have access to all their tickets for as long as indicated in the terms of use.
What Makes Our Concrete Delivery
Ticketing System Special
A flexible and completely transparent ticketing system that streamlines concrete delivery processes. No scanning, and no ravaging through a batch of paper receipts to clear an invoice. Just open your phone, and all your previous and current tickets will be at your disposal for any transaction at hand.
ConcreteDirect’s database means you will always and forever have access to your delivery tickets. Should a problem or misunderstanding arise, the evidence will be right in your pocket – the phone!
Once signed and the transaction is completed, both the concrete supplier and recipient’s receipts cannot be altered. This ensures complete ownership of one’s document.

How We Process Concrete Delivery Tickets
It’s super easy to process your concrete ticket with ConcreteDirect. Here’s a breakdown of the process:
Step 1
Open the ConcreteDirect App
Step 2
Go to the order that you want to create a ticket for.

Step 3
In the left panel, scroll down to find the section called ‘Schedule’, and click on ‘Add Load’.
Step 4
Fill in the required information for Truck, Volume, Plant, Slump, and other additional details. Click ‘Create Load’ and your ticket will be ready!
FAQs on Concrete Delivery Tickets
1. What is a concrete delivery ticket?
It’s business documentation, much like a receipt, and shows concrete delivery details like the concrete type, the amount paid/to be paid, volume, method of measurement, and much more.
2. What is a batch delivery ticket?
A batch ticket basically comes with each concrete batch. Unlike a normal concrete delivery ticket, this one further includes usage instructions and product specifications. It can come in printed form, electronic, or both.
3. What formats do delivery tickets come in?
Some companies can provide both a sales and batch ticket. A sales ticket indicates how much you will pay for both the concrete and its associated delivery costs, taxes, etc. a batch ticket displays the weight and ratio of the materials incorporated in the mix.
4. What are the minimum requirements a concrete delivery ticket should display?
All concrete suppliers are required by law to list down a certain amount of information for each load. Key requirements include project/order number, plant supplier code, method of concrete mixing, load volume, truck number, total batch water used, types of additives, and wash down water used, etc…